

SongtrustⓇ 是全球最大的全球音乐版权管理版税收集和管理技术解决方案。 成立于 2011 年,其使命是简化音乐版权管理并消除词曲版权管理领域的复杂性。 在 2021 年庆祝成立 10 周年之际,Songtrust 现在管理着超过 3,000,000 首歌曲和超过 350,000 名独立创作者的权力管理,以及词曲版权管理商、厂牌、发行商和其他需要简化和灵活的后台解决方案的权利持有人。 Songtrust 与覆盖超过 245 个国家和地区的 60 多个全球付费来源建立了直接关系,从而保持着音乐行业最广泛、最可访问的出版网络。 Songtrust® 是 ST Music LLC 的注册服务商标,该公司由 Downtown Music Holdings 拥有和运营。

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Mandy Aubry – EMEA & APAC 业务发展总监


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New York, United States of America


SongtrustⓇ is the world’s largest technology solution for global music publishing royalty collection and administration. Founded in 2011, its mission was to simplify music rights management and remove the complexity of the publishing landscape. Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2021, Songtrust now administers more than 3,000,000 songs and powers administration for over 350,000 independent creators, as well as publishers, labels, distributors, and other rights holders who want a streamlined and flexible back-office solution. Songtrust maintains the most extensive, accessible publishing network in the music industry by having direct relationships across more than 60 global pay sources covering more than 245 countries and territories. Songtrust® is a registered service mark of ST Music LLC, which is owned and operated by Downtown Music Holdings.

IMX Connect

Mandy Aubry – Director of Business Development, EMEA & APAC


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