Alessandro Pavanello

Head of International, IMCO (International Music Collaboration Organization)

Shanghai based Alessandro is a music industry professional as well as a producer/musician, working for China's leading music industry services company Kanjian Music (看见音乐). He relocated to China after completing his master degree in Music Industry Management and Enterprise at London Metropolitan University in 2015. Alessandro specializes in the Chinese music market and has been consulting both Western and Chinese labels. With Kanjian, Alessandro has been part of the inaugural edition of the Electric Zoo Shanghai festival, assisted the launch of Music Ally China, worked towards setting up the first Chinese Music Trade Association (IMCO) and runs China’s music industry conference (IMX).

IMCO (International Music Collaboration Organization)

Shanghai, China

IMCO (International Music Collaboration Organization) is a non-profit organization that provides opportunities for the Chinese music industry and global music organisations to communicate and connect with each other. It encourages communication, knowledge exchange, and collaborations.

IMCO is committed to serve independent musicians, producers, music copyright owners, music labels, performance, cultural institutions and other relevant organisations. It is aiming to create a healthy and sustainable environment for the music industry.

Since its establishment in early 2019, IMCO has actively promoted Chinese music culture and achievements amongst influential international forums, industrial conferences and major international music festivals.


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