Nathalie Van den Meutter

De Havilland 歌手

嗨 IMX,感谢您的收听! 我是另类比利时乐队 De Havilland 的主唱。 我们试图在音乐画布上创作黑暗的小故事。 我专门为你录制了一些东西:我们歌曲“Sleep Happy”的原声版本。

De Havilland


De Havilland 是来自比利时的另类乐队。 Nathalie 的声音带您前往最脆弱的时刻,而作曲家 Rudolf Hecke 则欢迎您进入一个黑暗而忧郁的新世界。 坐下来,让德哈维兰的世界充满愉悦的怀疑和痛苦的爱。


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Nathalie Van den Meutter

Singer, De Havilland

Hi IMX, Thank you for tuning in! I'm the lead singer of the alternative Belgian band De Havilland. We try to create dark little stories on a musical canvas. I've recorded something specially for you: an acoustic version of our song 'Sleep Happy'.

De Havilland

Mechelen, Belgium

De Havilland is an alternative band from Belgium. Nathalie's voice takes you on a trip to your most vulnerable moments, while songwriter Rudolf Hecke welcomes you in a dark & melancholic new world. Take a seat and let De Havilland's world fill you with pleasurable doubt & painful love.


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