
International Growth for Family in Music

Family in Music 正在构建一个全球增长引擎,为创作者和专业人士提供知识、人员和工具来控制自己的职业生涯。 我们在这里为每个从事独立音乐工作的人提供支持,但是,我们将重点放在词曲作者身上。 首先创造,最后获得报酬。 我们处于测试阶段,所以我们欢迎您的反馈,该平台目前是免费的。


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London, United Kingdom

International Growth for Family in Music

Family in Music are building a global growth engine to empower creators and professionals with the knowledge, people, and tools to take control of their own careers. We’re here to support everyone working in independent music, however, we are launching with a focus on songwriters. First to create, last to get paid. We’re in beta, so we welcome your feedback and the platform is currently free of charge.

IMX Connect


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