Christine semba

Head of WOMEX Special Projects and WOMEX Academy, WOMEX / Piranha Arts

Consultant, curator and networker, for music and cultural industries. Since 2013, Christine is the head of WOMEX Special Projects, where she has contributed to the creation and development of music conventions and festivals like Porto Musical, Brazil; Circulart, Colombia, Primera Linea, Cuba Atlantic Music Expo , Cabo Verde; SOTX, China. And has developed a broad range of international cooperation projects.
She is also the Head of the WOMEX Academy, a capacity building and fellowship programme and has also worked as a consultant/ trainer for internationalization of music and music events in Colombia, Senegal, Jamaica, Barbados, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan a.o.
Christine has also served as an expert for the EU and UNESCO Creative Cities Network since 2013.
Previously, she worked as director of professional music network Zone Franche where she led the EU-funded ‘ACP Music Festivals Network’ and before that, was director of content & programmes at WOMEX for nine years.

WOMEX / Piranha Arts

Berlin, Germany

Piranha Arts is a Berlin-based independent creative company. Musical and cultural diversity have been the driving forces behind our work. We operate locally and globally, and are active as cultural innovators, tech developers, curators, partners and multipliers. In Berlin we are known for the Karneval der Kulturen, the million strong annual street parade. We travel Europe with the leading music showcase, conference and expo events WOMEX – Worldwide Music Expo - and Classical:NEXT - the global gathering for all art music professionals.
Since 1994, WOMEX has been growing on its way into the number one networking platform for diversity in the music sector worldwide. Some 2019 figures: 2,500 professionals from 83 countries, 1,250 companies, and the year-round online platform virtualWOMEX. The most recent addition to the event is the WOMEX Academy, that strengthens skills to access the international circuits and markets.
WOMEX 27-31 October 2021 Porto, Portugal


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