United Kingdom

English Folk Expo

English Folk Expo champions the folk, roots and acoustic music sector in England. We deliver Showcases, international partnerships, festivals, events, online conferencing, artist mentoring, industry training and more. Our primary activities consist of EFEx Showcase, Manchester Folk Festival, Official Folk Albums Charts and annual artist mentoring programme. In 2021 we launched our first programme of virtual showcases which we’re delighted to present at IMX. Alongside these films, we also launched a comprehensive learning platform for those building careers in the music industry, folktalkacademy.com

IMX Connect

Tom Besford – Chief Executive


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English Folk Expo (EFE)

English Folk Expo为英格兰的民谣、根音和原声音乐领域提供支持。

我们提供展示、国际合作、节日、活动、在线会议、音乐人指导、行业培训等。 我们的主要活动包括 EFEx Showcase、Manchester Folk Festival、官方民谣专辑排行榜和年度音乐人指导计划。 2021 年,我们推出了第一个虚拟展示计划,我们很高兴在 IMX 上展示。 除了这些电影,我们还为那些在音乐行业建立职业生涯的人推出了一个综合学习平台,folktalkacademy.com

Tom Besford

English Folk Expo 首席执行官


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