Michelle Yuen

Business Intelligence Analyst, Chartmetric

Michelle studied psychology, mental health and entertainment business at NYU before starting at Chartmetric as a Business Intelligence Analyst. She is passionate about developing the intersection of music and data on a global cross-cultural scale. Prior to living in New York, she spent time in Singapore, Shanghai and the Netherlands. Other than listening to or playing music, she loves to read, travel to new places and practice Muay Thai.


New York, United States of America

Chartmetric is the music industry's leading market analytics service, providing instant access to a universe of data from digital services, social networks, and other media channels. Using advanced machine learning and data science, we combine and integrate this data to inform decision-making within every aspect of the music industry. Chartmetric uncovers the pathways and the influencers that connect artists to global audiences. Data sources include Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, YouTube, Amazon Music, Line Music, Melon, Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, Deezer, Twitter, SoundCloud, Boomplay, global radio airplay and more.


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