Juliana Voloz

Owner, JV-Promotion

Since 2005 I am booking musicians from around the world creating their music at the edge of different genres, but all based on traditional music. There are traditional, ethno-rock, ethno-jazz, or ethno-electronic bands. All of these artists enjoy playing together, their music is innovative, captivating, “crazy” and unforgettable. And they all are passionately devoted to their music and radiate this passion during their performances.

JV-Promotion cureently represents: Puuluup (Estonia), TRAD.ATTACK! (Estonia), Iberi (Georgia), Ethno-Trio Troitsa (Belarus), Naked (Serbia), Authentic Light Orchestra (Armenia/Switzerland), Namgar (Buryatya), LaBrassBanda (Germany), Melisande Electrotrad (Canada), ZeMe (Latvia), Khoomei Beat (Tuva), Mari Kalkun (Estonia), Uzoritsa (Russia), ADG7 (South Korea)



Since 2005 JV-Promotion is managing and booking musicians from around the world creating their music at the edge of different genres, but all based on traditional music. There are ethno-rock, ethno-jazz, psychedelic, or ethno-electronic bands. All of these artists enjoy playing together, their music is innovative, captivating, “crazy” and unforgettable. And they all are passionately devoted to their music and radiate this passion during their performances.

We currently represent: Puuluup (Estonia), TRAD.ATTACK! (Estonia), Iberi (Georgia), Ethno-Trio Troitsa (Belarus), Naked (Serbia), Authentic Light Orchestra (Armenia/Switzerland), Namgar (Buryatya), LaBrassBanda (Germany), Melisande Electrotrad (Canada), ZeMe (Latvia), Khoomei Beat (Tuva), Mari Kalkun (Estonia), Uzoritsa (Russia), ADG7 (South Korea)


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