
自 2005 年以来,JV-Promotion 管理和预订来自世界各地的音乐家,他们在不同流派的边缘创作音乐,但都基于传统音乐。 有民族摇滚、民族爵士、迷幻或民族电子乐队。 所有这些音乐人都喜欢一起演奏,他们的音乐是创新的、迷人的、“疯狂的”和令人难忘的。 他们都对音乐充满热情,并在表演中散发出这种热情。

我们代表:Puuluup(爱沙尼亚),TRAD.ATTACK! (爱沙尼亚)、伊比利亚(格鲁吉亚)、Ethno-Trio Troitsa(白俄罗斯)、Naked(塞尔维亚)、Authentic Light Orchestra(亚美尼亚/瑞士)、Namgar(布里亚特亚)、LaBrassBanda(德国)、Melisande Electrotrad(加拿大)、ZeMe(拉脱维亚) )、Khoomei Beat(图瓦)、Mari Kalkun(爱沙尼亚)、Uzoritsa(俄罗斯)、ADG7(韩国)

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Juliana Voloz – 公司所有者


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Since 2005 JV-Promotion is managing and booking musicians from around the world creating their music at the edge of different genres, but all based on traditional music. There are ethno-rock, ethno-jazz, psychedelic, or ethno-electronic bands. All of these artists enjoy playing together, their music is innovative, captivating, “crazy” and unforgettable. And they all are passionately devoted to their music and radiate this passion during their performances.

We cureently represent: Puuluup (Estonia), TRAD.ATTACK! (Estonia), Iberi (Georgia), Ethno-Trio Troitsa (Belarus), Naked (Serbia), Authentic Light Orchestra (Armenia/Switzerland), Namgar (Buryatya), LaBrassBanda (Germany), Melisande Electrotrad (Canada), ZeMe (Latvia), Khoomei Beat (Tuva), Mari Kalkun (Estonia), Uzoritsa (Russia), ADG7 (South Korea)

IMX Connect

Juliana Voloz – Owner


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