dorothee hannequin


Rodeo 是 Dorothee 的字谜,她是一位时髦的巴黎音乐家和歌手。 她在 15 岁时发现了音乐,当时她在叔叔的阁楼里发现了一把原声吉他。 这把神奇的钥匙打开了通往最美丽旅程的大门,无论是真实的还是想象的。
在她的前两张专辑(Music Maelström 和 La Musica Del Diavolo)成名后,她在世界各地录制了第三张专辑 Thérianthropie Paradis。 精心策划的 60 年代和 70 年代欧洲流行音乐,是 France Gall 和 Blonde Redhead 之间的一种混合。
Dorothée Hannequin 感性和令人回味的母语将她的歌曲创作和声音引导到新的道路上,充满了隐藏的痕迹和细微差别。
她现在正在录制新专辑 Arlequine (Claro Oscuro/Modulor) 将于 2022 年春季发行。

牛仔竞技表演 - Arlequine
Claro Oscuro / Modulor
发布 - 2022 年春季



Rodeo 是 Dorothee 的字谜,她是一位时髦的巴黎音乐家和歌手。 她在 15 岁时发现了音乐,当时她在叔叔的阁楼里发现了一把原声吉他。 这把神奇的钥匙打开了通往最美丽旅程的大门,无论是真实的还是想象中的。
在她的前两张专辑(Music Maelström 和 La Musica Del Diavolo)成名后,她在世界各地录制了第三张专辑 Thérianthropie Paradis。 精心策划的 60 年代和 70 年代欧洲流行音乐,是 France Gall 和 Blonde Redhead 之间的一种混合。
Dorothée Hannequin 感性和令人回味的母语将她的歌曲创作和声音引导到新的道路上,充满了隐藏的痕迹和细微差别。
由于 2022 年春季,她现在正在录制新专辑 Arlequine (Claro Oscuro/Modulor)。

牛仔竞技表演 - Arlequine
Claro Oscuro / Modulor
发布 - 2022 年春季


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dorothee hannequin


The Rodeo is the anagram of Dorothee, a sassy Parisian musician and singer. She discovered music at the age of 15, when she found an acoustic guitar in her uncle’s attic. This magical key opened the door to the most beautiful journeys, both real and imaginary.
After making a name for herself with her first two albums (Music Maelström and La Musica Del Diavolo), recorded all over the world, she returned with a third album, Thérianthropie Paradis, a radical metamorphosis, entirely sung in French and influenced by the highly orchestrated European pop of the 60s and 70s, a sort of mix between France Gall & Blonde Redhead.
Dorothée Hannequin’s sensual and evocative mother tongue guides her songwriting and voice onto new paths, full of hidden trails and nuances.
She’s now recording a new album, Arlequine (Claro Oscuro/ Modulor) due to spring 2022.

The Rodeo - Arlequine
Claro Oscuro / Modulor
Release - Spring 2022


Paris, France

The Rodeo is the anagram of Dorothee, a sassy Parisian musician and singer. She discovered music at the age of 15, when she found an acoustic guitar in her uncle’s attic. This magical key opened the door to the most beautiful journeys, both real and imaginary.
After making a name for herself with her first two albums (Music Maelström and La Musica Del Diavolo), recorded all over the world, she returned with a third album, Thérianthropie Paradis, a radical metamorphosis, entirely sung in French and influenced by the highly orchestrated European pop of the 60s and 70s, a sort of mix between France Gall & Blonde Redhead.
Dorothée Hannequin’s sensual and evocative mother tongue guides her songwriting and voice onto new paths, full of hidden trails and nuances.
She’s now recording a new album, Arlequine (Claro Oscuro/ Modulor) due to Spring 2022.

The Rodeo - Arlequine
Claro Oscuro / Modulor
Release - Spring 2022


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